This area of the above report we created for a client in the hospitality sector, focused on the floor plan as the client had space for more seats & tables.
We performed some calculations in Power BI to calculate the average number of orders (Delivery & Non Delivery) on weekdays & weekends.
We then focused on the peak capacity time of 12PM – 2PM, and the data showed us that the business was at full capacity in those hours every single day on average.
The decision was then made to add 3 more tables and this is currently being tracked.
Have you analyzed your opening hours?
This area of a report I created for another client in the hospitality sector looks very similar to the above but focuses on something completely different – the opening hours.
Again, we performed some calculations in Power BI to calculate the average number of orders on weekdays & weekends.
We then focused on the off peak time of 3PM – 4PM, and the data showed us that the business was only breaking even at best in that hour during the week. Â
The decision was then made to close 1 hour earlier the days that they were opened during the week and to open on Monday.
This change is currently being monitored by us and client who also has 24/7 access to the report.
Does your Business Track KPI's?
This is a snip of the KPI Dashboard from above which is a one page dashboard for the client to track all of their important metrics such as Gross Margin %, Profit % and a few others, in real time.
After meeting with the client and discussing where they want to improve, we made our relative suggestions and then built this dashboard for not only the client to have 24/7 access to, but also us, to track the metrics and see if our suggestions are panning out as forecasted.
We also use this dashboard once a month in a meeting with the client to see where the business is compared to the prior month and where improvements need to be made.
 Finally, all KPI Dashboards are totally customizable and unique depending on your Business’ needs, we can include any metrics you may want tracked